Currency Settings

Use multi currency by adding different currency according to the instructions in this setting.

1 - How to configure currency?

From "Theme Settings", click the tab "Vinova Block Currency"

  1. Show currency selector: Enable/Disable block currency

  2. Currencies you wish to support: Add your desired currency here. Example: USD, ($) US Dollars | EUR, (€) Euro | GBP, (£) British Pounds

2 - Currency Formatting Settings

For the price conversion function on the website and the price filtering function on the collection page to work correctly, you need to write 1 more code in the Store currency section :

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Store details > Store currency > Change formatting

  2. In the "HTML with currency" and "HTML without currency" fields, Add the following code at the beginning and the end of your currency format :

<span class="money"> Your currency format </span>

For example, if The default currency of your store is USD, the code will be:

<span class="money">${{amount}} USD </span>

Last updated

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